
Get a 30% discount coupon

Let`s kick away fall depression with DATACLUB!

Guys, we are ready to present a coupon code which gives 30% of our services in October.

What do you need to do?

1. Put Like on our dataclub.host page https://www.facebook.com/pg/dataclub.host/posts/?ref=page_internal

2. Share post on your page https://www.facebook.com/dataclub.host/photos/a.329494631075680/395411337817342/?type=3&theater

3. Mark in the post a friend who also wants to get a 30% off.

4. Send a private message "I want a coupon".

5. Get a coupon and use it when placing an order on the https://www.dataclub.eu/?hl=en website.

Let`s create unforgettable autumn!

DATACLUB – safe and secure your data!